Welcome to Nampara Angus

Nampara Pastoral Company is located in the south east of South Australia in the Limestone Coast region.

We are a family run business with a strong commercial focus and it is upon these commercial principles that the Angus Stud was formed in 2001.

The Angus stud of 500 breeders compliments the Nampara Pastoral Company operation which runs some 6000 ewes and turns off approximately 1000 head of grass-fed cattle a year, the majority of which are sold as MSA-graded steers/heifers and joined females.

We sell 150 bulls a year, both at our on-property auction in February, and privately all year round. We aim to breed bulls with a little extra frame, plenty of muscle and shape, soft skin and a quiet temperament. We believe bulls should look like bulls, have the ability to breed big females who produce calves that can do on grass and are finished by two years of age.

In our joined female program we use our own bulls as yearlings to join approximately 600 heifers annually. These females are then sold at the Feature PTIC Female Sales in Naracoorte and Mortlake in January. The bulls, specifically selected for a heifer joining, have proved very popular at our annual sale as have the heifers from our own and clients’ herds.

We welcome enquiry on any aspect of our program at any time of the year.

Gallery of 2025 Sale

Junior Interbreed Champion 2022

Nampara Silverado S221 – Junior and Grand Champion Angus bull at Adelaide Royal Show. Part of the winning All Breed Junior Interbreed pair.

At Melbourne Royal Silverado backed up and won the Junior and Grand Champion Angus bull and was the Junior Champion Interbreed Bull of the Show. 

Junior Champion Female Adelaide Show

Nampara Princess P86 – Junior Champion Female Adelaide Show Feature Breed 2019 and part of the winning All Breed Junior Interbreed Pair 2019

Princess is by Nampara Liberty L21, our $85,000 sale topper in 2017. Liberty will have a number of bulls in our Autumn sale, February 2021.